Outcomes from the 2024 TBDMSA Annual General Meeting, News (Tottenham - Beeton District Minor Softball Assoc.)

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Oct 26, 2024 | Kevin Boston | 112 views
Outcomes from the 2024 TBDMSA Annual General Meeting
On behalf of the Tottenham-Beeton District Minor Softball Association (TBDMSA) Board, thank you is extended to all the Delegates and attendees for taking the time to attend and participate in the 2024 TBDMSA Annual General Meeting.

The 2024 Annual Report is now available on the TBDMSA website.

The TBDMSA is pleased to announce its 2024-25 Board of Directors, effective immediately.

President - Kevin Boston

Vice President – Michel Mann

Treasurer - Peter Browne

Secretary - Jenn Leclerc

Director - Jamie Schell

Director – Michelle Oates Smith

Director – Lisa Williams

Director – Matthew Salvaterra


Additional Positions

Melanie Jordan – Convenor U3/U5 Divisions

Carmen Camara – Convenor U7 Division

Angie Simms – Convenor U10 Division

Patricia Coulas – Convenor U14/U19 Divisions

Paola Cranley - Sponsorship Director

Cory Simms – Equipment Manager

Lisa Williams – Jr. Umpire-in-Chief

Al McMullen – Umpire-in-Chief

Please find a summary below of the results of the carried or tabled Notices of Motion by the Membership from the 2024 TBDMSA AGM.

Pre-Game Responsibilities

Section 5b: U10 pitching distance change to 30ft

Section 2, Rule 1: Age Division Changes

Tabled to next Board Meeting for further discussion.

Rule 2a) Substitutions

A U5 and U7 team needs a minimum of seven (7) players including registered substitutes at the start of a game otherwise the game is forfeit and will not be rescheduled.

Rule 2b) Substitutions

A U10 and U14 team must be able to field a minimum of seven (7) of their own registered players at the start of a game otherwise the game is forfeit with a score of 5 - 0.  If both teams have less than seven (7) players, then the game shall be declared a tie with a score of 5 -5.

Rule 2c) Substitutions

A U19 team must be able to field a minimum of six (6) of their own registered players at the start of a game otherwise the game is forfeit with a score of 5 - 0.  If both teams have less than six (6) Players, then the game shall be declared a tie with a score of 5 -5.

Rule 2d) Substitutions

If a game is scheduled around/during a statutory holiday and/or special event within reason, either team is unable to field a  minimum number of players, the coach unable to field a team must contact the opposing coach, a minimum of two days prior to the scheduled game. Both coaches must agree to reschedule or the team will forfeit.  It is the responsibility of the initiating coach to contact the division Convenor and League Scheduler immediately.

Rule 3) Substitution “No Current Rule in place

·         Equally rated U10 substitute players can be used from any U10 team not playing if available.  Any player from a U7 team can also be used to bring the roster up to a maximum of 10 Players.

·         A U19 team may use equally rated substitutes from non-playing U19 team if available or ***rated U14 player to bring their roster up to maximum 9 players. 

·         Substitutes may be used from any non playing U19 or U21 non playing teams, or available U14 teams, to bring the roster up to a maximum of 9.

·         All substitutions must be approved by opposing coach before game time and once approved will not be accepted as grounds for protest.

·         A substitute coordinator will arrange all subs when advance knowledge of missing players is available. In this case, the highest rated missing player may be substituted for (ie team is missing an A, a B and a C, the substitute coordinator can find an A sub if available). The opposition coach does not have to ok this sub. The rankings of all players will be made available for all coaches.

·         In the case of a last minute, game time substitute that is needed, (ie players who the coach thought was coming have not shown up at game time) the coach needing a sub will attempt to get a player equal or lessor in ranking to the top ranked missing player. An attempt must be made to get an ok from the substitution coordinator, but if that can not happen in this last case scenario, the opposing coach must ok the last minute sub.

·         The team requesting the subsitute player must inform the opposing team's Head Coach that they are missing specific players along with their rating and require a subsitute.  The opposing Head Coach must agree to subsitute players prior to the start of the game.

·         Substitute players may play up one division.  A substitute player's current rating in their respective division will drop by a half a category based on age.  Example One: a 14 year old A ranked player will drop to a B+ if called up to play in the U19 Division.  Example Two: a 12 year old A+ player will drop to a B+ if called up to play in the U19 Division.

·         The method of determining the proper Substitute(s) will be as follows:

o   i. If a team knows that they will only be able to field seven of their own

o   players, for example, and would like to receive two Substitutes, the

o   Head Coach missing the players will average out the missing players and draw from a pool of available players on a Substitute List provided by the Registrar to all Head Coaches .

o   ii. The Substitute List is divided into three (3) categories:

o   a. Category A - players rated 1 through 4

o   b. Category B - players rated 5 through 8; and,

o   c. Category C - players rated 9 through 12.

o   From his Substitutes List, he will average the missing player(s) rating(s)

o   and identify Substitutes from the appropriate categories.

o   iii. He will then call the Substitutes and ask if they would be available to play for "such-and-such" team at the designated park and at the designated time.

o   iv. In any event there shall be no more than four (4) A category players/substitutes on any team for a game. Further, no team  shall have more than two players rated number one (1), for any game, including both the team roster as well as substitutes.

·         Tabled to next Board Meeting for further discussion.

Rule 11 a)

All games will commence at the designated start  time as scheduled on the website. If the home team has not set up the diamond by the scheduled game time, the umpire will declare that if this task is not completed by 5 mins past the scheduled start time, the home team will forfeit the game.

Rule 13 – Tie Breakers

i)                    Total points

ii)                    Runs for/against ratio

iii)                 Record against each other

Rule 15 g) – Defensive Positions U10

There is a maximum of ten (10) Players on the defense field with the additional player being outfield rover.

Rule 21 – Batting


a) All U5 Players shall bat in each inning.

b) A U5 batter will bat the ball from the tee as many times as required to make a legal hit.

c) A U5 Legal hit must be batted to or past the 30’ arched line. NOTE: This rule may be relaxed at the coach’s discretion during the early half of the season. By mid-season, coaches should be encouraging Players to bat until the ball reaches or surpasses the 30’ arched line.

d) By mid season U5 Adult Coaches or Parent helpers are encouraged to pitch a max of 3 pitches to each batter.  If unsuccessful the batter will continue to bat the ball from the tee as many times as required to make a legal hit.

Rule 25 d – “Tabled to Next Meeting”

U10 specific- U10 pitchers have the ppprotunity to throw a strike when the ball passes through the traditional strike zone, and will also be given a strike call if the ball falls onto a mat, similar to a slow pitch mat.

Rule 25 d) – U7 Batting

This rule can be removed as there are no walks of any kind in U7. Even if the player does not swing at all 5 pitches their at bat is over.

Playoff Rules

Include in Manual of Operation

Registration for the 2025 season opens February 1.  We hope to see you on the diamonds this summer!

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